Saturday, March 1, 2014

Shopping and Getting Ready for You

Mama often gets teased by your Tita Lala because Mama did not buy any stuff for you until after Christmas. Mama wants you to grow up to be a simple boy, not attached to material things but more to the simple pleasures in life. She waited till Tita Lala handed over your cousin Keegan's old stuff. Tita April, Tita Gaill, and Tita Rhona even lent you a lot of stuff as well. 
After this, your papa and your Tita Lala went to Mothercare and scanned the prices of items that you'd need while Mama sat on a chair while watching them (her back was aching). Upon reaching home, your papa ordered most of your stuff in Amazon global - with free shipping! He was ecstatic when they finally arrived.

The next big purchase mama and papa did was when they attended the baby fair in expo. There, mama and papa finally bought your crib, stroller and other essentials. Just in time as after that, mama developed high blood pressure and could no longer go shopping.

Mother Care vs Amazon Global Free Delivery

Your Crib inside Your Nursery

your papa assembled your crib as soon as he came home on the day your crib arrived. before that, he packed our hospital bag, cleaned the nursery, hand washed your clothes, and sprayed dettol every single day to ensure your room would be ready when you arrive. your papa is outstanding indeed!

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