Saturday, March 1, 2014

Doctor Check Ups


Do you know that mama and papa never missed a single one of your pre-natal appointments? There were even times when mama would become so paranoid and want to ensure you're ok that she'll visit the doctor way ahead of the appointment =) She was even rushed to the emergency hospital in St Lukes Global Manila during their Christmas vacation because she was imagining that she had an incompetent cervix. After two visits and too many tests - the doctor told her that her cervix was very competent indeed!

Mama was relatively healthy while carrying you inside her tummy except for a few misadventures with allergy, left leg & upper back pain (had to go to physiotherapy 3 times), stretch marks, gas pains, and high blood pressure (bed rest for weeks!). Easy peasy!


First Doctor's Visit - 5 weeks 
As soon as we learned we were expecting you, we met our ob-gyne immediately and during the first checkup, you were still not visible so they just took mama's blood and had it tested. 

Second Doctor's Visit - 7th Week
 During the second, you finally appeared as a baby sac but no heartbeat just yet. Papa was caught taking a picture - we didn't know it was not allowed till then so we kept it anyway =P

Emergency Hospital Visit 
Mama suddenly developed allergies so I was rushed by your papa to emergency in Simei General Hospital. The doctor was pressuring mama to take steroids but she refused - good thing we didn't take it as our ob-gyne later confirmed that it won't do you any good. A little anti-histhamine made it go away after 3 days. Your papa even bought a number of bed bug sprays and tackled the bed in case it was the one causing mama the hives.

TLC - 35th Week Visit

We changed ob-gyne after mama got an ob-gyne recommendation from Tita April.
See picture of mama below looking stunned during your 35th week as she was just advised to take a prolonged bed rest due to high blood pressure. Too much excitement from Mama!

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